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Vacation benefits for pregnant women

Travel to beautiful places with your husband for pregnant mother, its common called baby moon. This term was popularized by one of the authors the book of pregnancy, named Sheila Kitzinger. Travel to beautiful places for the pregnant mother has many important benefits. Here the benefits of vacation for pregnant mother

Quality Time with Husband
Before becoming a real parent, you and your husband must spend time together and enjoy the holidays while relieving stress. When the baby is born later, it is not impossible that your sleep will be irregular, because the baby always wakes up in the middle of the night. You and your husband will more often stay up fortunately for changing diapers and nursing your little one.

Make Pregnant Women Relax
Confronting labor definitely pregnant women experience fear, worry and not calm. Baby moon is needed to calm the mind of the mother, to be more ready and relaxed before the baby born.

Giving Positive Energy to the Mother and the Baby
When doing baby moon, of course you are in a calm and happy psychological state. This has a positive effect on the prospective baby and mother before and after the baby born. Baby moon can create a harmonious relationship between prospective fathers, mothers and children.

As an Unforgettable Moment
Especially for couples who have their first child, of course this baby moon moment will be remembered for a lifetime. Mom and husband will have good memories with the prospective baby who can be used as stories when old age later.

source: adapted from various sources

Staying in Hotels During Coronavirus

  Why do you have to stay at a hotel during the corona pandemic? If you still work outside the home, but don't want to take the risk of ...

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