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Various Types of Diet Methods

Diet methods continue to develop along with technological developments. So that the diet techniques also become more modern. The number of people who run a diet also causes the development of various types of diet methods. Having the ideal body weight is a dream for everyone. In addition to health reasons, having an ideal body weight is also considered to support appearance. The following are some diet methods that are quite popular until now.

This Mayo diet is known as the slimming method in 13 days. For 13 full days, you will stop consuming salt, whether it's food that is processed and uses salt, or various other salty foods.

In this process, you will lose all salt and lots of water from the body, so that your weight will drop significantly. Salt has the property of holding water, and if you don't consume it, your body will naturally release a lot of water in the body.

This diet is done by avoiding carbohydrate foods, high fat, and protein, within a period of 6-12 hours, if it is felt experiencing the ketosis phase or when the body no longer carbohydrate intake (glucose) as a food source to be processed into energy.

In this diet, there will be many foods that contain animal foods, such as chicken, beef, fish, cheese, milk, eggs, and others. So, for you vegetable fans, it seems like you will feel strange about this consumption pattern.

This diet aims to balance nutrition. Where each food to be eaten contains 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fat and 30 percent protein. This diet also regulates insulin levels in the body. This diet suggests consuming high-quality carbohydrates, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts.

4. OCD diet
The type of diet OCD (Obsessive Combuzier's Diet) is preferred by many people, because it is considered more effective in losing weight in a relatively fast time. In this diet, you are allowed to eat whatever you like. However, the portion of eating in this diet is of course just natural. Well, this diet is applied to the fasting system, where the time will increase along with the passage of the diet itself.

If at the beginning of the diet, you can eat for 8 hours, then a few days later, the meal will decrease to 6 hours, even 4 hours. Beyond that time, you will fast and may only drink water. This diet is effective and has a positive impact on the body. In addition, you can also eat a food menu that you normally eat and you like.

5. Vegetarian Diet
This type of diet is often used, because it sounds more reasonable than the other diets. These vegetarian diets have various types: lacto-vegetarian, fruitarian vegetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, living food vegetarian diet, ovo-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, and semi-vegetarian. Of all the types of vegetarians that are often used are lacto-ovo vegetarians. Vegetarians of this type do not consume animal-based foods except milk, honey, eggs. Based on the results of the research, vegetarians have a normal weight and are rarely affected by the disease.

6. 'Weight Watchers' Diet
This type of diet focuses on weight loss through diet, sport, and a supportive community environment. At first, this diet was thought to have originated from a housewife who managed to lose weight and pay special attention to not being fat anymore. She formed Weight Watchers Inc. in the 1960s with his friends. Weight Watchers later became a large company with many branches throughout the world. Dieters can join directly or attend regular meetings, as well as online meetings. At each meeting, there is a lot of support and knowledge about the diet given.

7.Food Combining Diet
This type of diet is done by making PH levels (Potential Hydrogen) in the blood to be neutral with the help of food consumed. This diet also allows you to eat as much as possible, but with a choice of menus that are natural ingredients as much as possible do not experience the cooking process or fresh.

If you look at this one diet pattern, obviously the food consumed mostly focuses on fresh vegetables and fruits that are rich in nutrients for the body. In addition to vegetables and fruit, food combining also suggests that food consumption uses a combination of animal protein and carbohydrates consumed separately.

8. Flavorless Food Diet
This one diet is indeed unique. How come? Eating foods that don't taste is very unpleasant, right? But this diet is actually considered the most fruitful for losing weight.

Logically, eating foods that are without flavor will certainly reduce your appetite. So that we will eat enough or eat in portions that are not excessive. So, as the name implies, this diet only eats un-spiced food and no fried foods.

9. Diet 5: 2
This type of diet is known not only to lose weight only, but also can have a positive impact on health, such as protecting the brain from the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, improving cognitive function, increasing life span, and others.

This diet is also claimed to be able to increase endurance, so it has immunity to various types of diseases that attack. The 5: 2 diet is run with a fairly easy pattern, where people who live it can eat as usual without the need to abstain from anything. But in a week you can eat as usual for only 5 days, while the other 2 days for fasting.

10. Paleo Diet
The Paleo diet is quite difficult to run, considering that the food consumed is very limited and tends to be boring. In this diet, you will eat natural foods such as vegetables, eggs less than 6 weeks old, fruits, lean meats, fish, whole grains, vegetable oils, and nuts.

In addition, you must avoid several other types of food such as potatoes, salt, sweet potatoes, cereal seeds, various dairy products, processed foods and beverages.

11. Atkins Diet
In the Atkins Diet, weight loss will be done by reducing or even eliminating the consumption of simple carbohydrates. But this diet allows you to consume even large amounts of fat and protein.

Lack of carbohydrate intake will force the body to burn fat in the body, so the weight will drop rapidly. However, this can also trigger various disorders in the body, such as fatigue, constipation, insomnia, nausea, bad breath, and others.

12. 'South Beach' Diet
This diet aims to regulate insulin levels in the body. Initially this diet was aimed at people to reduce the risk of heart disease. This diet was introduced by a cardiologist, Dr. Agatston and a nutritionist Marie Almon. This diet recommends avoiding certain carbohydrates based on the glycemic index.

13. Raw Food Diet
This diet is done by consuming foods that are not cooked or processed. Usually done by directly consuming plants that are processed organically. Raw food experts believe that the food a person consumes three-quarter of it must consist of raw food.

14. Dukan Diet
This diet is carried out by changing the food menu, where food consumed has high protein levels and suppresses carbohydrate and fat consumption. This high protein will cause a longer feeling of satiety.

In the Dukan Diet, you can choose the menu as you like, as long as the food is contained in 100 predetermined menus and is considered in accordance with this one diet. Well, these 100 menus consist of 72 animal sources and 28 vegetable sources. Not only that, you will also be free to eat as much as you want, as long as it is still in the 100 food menus. This one diet is said to give a significant decrease in body even reaching 3 kg to 4.5 kg in the first 5 days.

Even so, this diet has side effects namely loss of auto mass and large amounts of fluid due to rapid weight loss. Not only that, if done for a long time, dukan diet can also cause fatigue, constipation, bad breath, and damage to internal organs such as the kidneys and liver. so you need a health consultant to run this.

15. White Rice Diet
This rice diet is a fairly popular diet done by many people. As the name implies, this diet is carried out by not eating white rice. We all know, white rice has a high enough calorie level which can lead to obesity and diabetes. Instead, this rice diet is usually done only consume foods other than white rice. The substitute can be obtained from foods that contain other carbohydrates such as corn, potatoes or brown rice. All of these have lower calories than white rice

Running a diet is one step to get a healthier and ideal body. To help you achieve your dreams about a slim body, you can also buy medicines or diet snacks that are sold a lot to support your diet. However, the diet process must still be done in the right way from the start. So its better to consult your doctor or nutritionist for the right type of diet. So that you can still be healthy and get the maximum benefit from this diet, and continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 


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