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Aloe Vera to treat Diabetes

Aloe vera is known to be efficacious for treating a number of diseases. Including diabetes mellitus and heart attacks. Aloe vera or Aloevera is one of the medicinal plants that can cure various diseases. This plant was used by the Samaritans around 1875 BC. The ancient Egyptians knew the efficacy of aloe vera as a medicine around 1500 BC. Thanks to its usefulness, ancient Egyptian society called it a plant of immortality.

According to a health food observer (supplement), Dr. Freddy Wilmana MFPM SpFK, from about 200 types of aloe vera plants, which are well used for treatment are types of Aloevera Barbadensis miller. This type of Aloe vera contains 72 substances needed by the body. Among the 72 substances needed by the body, there are 18 kinds of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and drug class substances, including antibiotics, antiseptics, antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, anti-infective , anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, antiparkinsonian, antiaterosclerosis, and antiviral drugs that are resistant to antibiotics. Given the complete content, according to Dr. Aloe vera Freddy is not only useful for maintaining health, but also dealing with various diseases. For example, aloe vera can reduce blood glucose for diabetes.

Here are some ways to treat Aloe Vera:

Method 1:
2 stems of aloe vera leaves, washed, thrown away, cut into pieces. Boil with 3 cups of water, then strain. Drink 3 times a day after meals, each half gela

Method 2:
1 large aloe vera frond (about the size of a palm) is cleansed by peeling the skin and thorns. Soak about 30 minutes in salt water. Squeeze briefly then rinse under running water (tap water). Boil 3 cups of water until boiling. Cool it down. Drink as many as 1/2 cup, 2 to 3 times a day.

Method 3:
1 aloe leaf washed and peeled. The contents are cut into boxes, then rinse with warm water while slightly squeezed. Then brew with half a glass of water. Give 1 tablespoon of honey. Warm consumption 2 times a day.

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